Allen Bradley 1756-OB8EI

10-30 VDC Isolated Electronically Fused Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)

(15 offers)
A total of  15 Part In-Stock from 8 Distributors
New: 2 pcs. Used: 5 pcs. Refurbished: 3 pcs. New Sealed: 3 pcs. New Surplus: 2 pcs.
Output Module, ControlLogix, DC Digital, 8 Point, 10-30VDC, 2 A Sourcing Outputs, Electronically Fused, Individually Isolated


In-Stock Parts

These parts are ready to be shipped immediately from warehouses across the world. Send inquiry for supplier details.
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Country: United States
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Surplus: 1 pcs. Used: 4 pcs.
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Country: United States
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 3 pcs.
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Country: Germany
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: Refurbished: 2 pcs.
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Country: United States
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 1 pcs.
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Country: Netherlands
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: Used: 1 pcs.

On Request Parts

These parts are not in the warehouse and will be quoted with manufacturer lead time. Send inquiry for supplier details.
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Country: Czech Republic
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: Refurbished: 0 pcs. New: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 0 pcs. Refurbished: 0 pcs.
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Country: United States
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: Original Packaging: 0 pcs.