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12.9 KG

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The ADPEW200VCA by Laumas Elettronica is a highly sophisticated industrial automation product designed for precision measurement and control of weight in various industrial applications. It boasts a compact and sturdy design that ensures reliable and accurate performance even in harsh industrial environments.

Built using advanced technology, the ADPEW200VCA incorporates a high-resolution load cell and a powerful microprocessor for precise and efficient weight measurement and control. It features a user-friendly interface that allows for easy configuration and calibration to suit specific industrial requirements.

This industrial automation product is a game-changer in the industrial sector, thanks to its exceptional accuracy and reliability in weight measurement and control. It is ideal for use in various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, and other industrial applications where precise weight measurement and control are critical. Invest in the ADPEW200VCA by Laumas Elettronica today to enhance your industrial automation processes and boost productivity.