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V15-G-Abg-Pg9 is a high-performance inductive sensor manufactured by Pepperlfuchs, designed specifically for industrial automation applications. This sensor is part of Pepperlfuchs extensive line of sensors that are made to be reliable, accurate, and robust, making it ideal for use in some of the harshest industrial environments.

The V15-G-Abg-Pg9 sensor is known for its accuracy and reliability in detecting and sensing metal objects in real-time. It has a sensing distance of up to 15mm, making it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications that require precise object detection. This sensor also features a Pg9 connection, which makes it easy to install and integrate into existing systems, reducing installation time and cost.

The inductive sensor is well-designed and built to withstand extreme temperatures, vibrations, and shocks, making it ideal for harsh industrial environments. The V15-G-Abg-Pg9 has an IP67 rating, which means that it is dust-tight and can be submerged in water up to one meter deep without being damaged.

One of the most impressive features of this sensor is the detection range. It allows users to identify metal objects at a distance of up to 15mm, which is quite impressive considering its small size. Additionally, the V15-G-Abg-Pg9 sensor is designed to work with a range of metals, including aluminum, brass, copper, zinc, and steel, making it a versatile and flexible product for various industrial applications.

Overall, the V15-G-Abg-Pg9 inductive sensor is a high-quality product that is reliable, accurate, and designed to withstand harsh industrial environments. It is an excellent choice for industrial automation applications where precise object detection and robustness are essential, ensuring that it delivers superior performance that meets industry standards. Pepperlfuchs is a leading player in the world of automation, with a focus on delivering high-quality products that meet the needs of individual industries.