Software - VISU+ 2 RT UNLIMITED AD WEB25 - 1103941
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Additional Information

Part Number
Group Code : EG000024
Group Description : PLC's
Class Description : Visualization software
Class Code : EC001416
Version : 7

Software requirements

Operating system
Windows® XP (SP3)
Operating system
Windows® Vista Business
Operating system
Windows® 7 Professional SP1 (32-Bit/64-Bit)
Operating system
Windows® 7 Ultimate SP1 (32-Bit/64-Bit)
Operating system
Windows® 8 Professional (32-Bit/64-Bit)
Operating system
Windows® 8 Enterprise (32-Bit/64-Bit)
Operating system
Windows® Server 2003
Operating system
Windows® Server 2008
Operating system
Windows® Server 2008 R2
Operating system
Windows® 10 (32-Bit/64-Bit)
Languages supported
German, English, French, Italian
Supported browsers
Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher


Basic functions
Know-How protection and safety through encoding of projects
Basic functions
Realtime database coupling with ODBC to MS ACCESS, MS EXCEL and SQL server
Basic functions
FDA CFR 21 Part 11 compatible
Expanded functionality
Web client capability
Expanded functionality
Advanced alarm management with SMS, FAX, e-mail and voice mail function
Integrated function
Web client
Integrated function
Alarm management
Integrated function
Online configuration
Integrated function
Password protection
Integrated function
Language selection
Number of I/O nodes
Unlimited I/O bytes

Hardware requirements

Hard disk
min. 1 GByte (recommended: 2 GB)
min. 1 GByte (2 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7)
Pentium/Celeron, 1.6 GHz
Optical drive
Screen resolution
rec. 1024 pixel(s) x 768 pixel(s) (XGA)
Operating equipment
Keyboard, mouse

License information

Intended use for the software
Type of license
Runtime license