Phoenix Contact 2701492

AXL E EIP DI8 DO8 M12 6P - Digital module

(18 offers)
Image of the product 2701492
A total of  213 Part In-Stock from 5 Distributors
New Sealed: 200 pcs. New: 13 pcs.
Axioline E, Digital I/O device, EtherNet/IP™, M12 fast connection technology, Digital inputs:, 24 V DC, connection technology: 4-conductor, Digital outputs: , 500 mA, connection technology: 3-conductor, Plastic housing, degree of protection: IP65/IP67


In-Stock Parts

These parts are ready to be shipped immediately from warehouses across the world. Send inquiry for supplier details.
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Country: United Kingdom
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 50 pcs.
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Country: Germany
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 50 pcs.
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Country: United Kingdom
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 50 pcs.
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 50 pcs.
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Country: United States
In Stock Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 13 pcs.

On Request Parts

These parts are not in the warehouse and will be quoted with manufacturer lead time. Send inquiry for supplier details.
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 0 pcs.
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Country: Germany
On Request Updated 29/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 0 pcs.

Additional information

Part Number 2701492
UPC 4046356762861
Country of origin Germany
ETIM Group code: EG000024
Group description: PLC's
Class code: EC001599
Class description: Fieldbus, decentr. periphery - digital I/O module
Version: 7


Country of Origin Germany
Degree Of Protection IP65/IP67