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LFE is a digital flow sensor for water and non-corrosive conductive liquids. While the PF3W sensors detect flow using the Karman vortex principle, LFE applies Faraday s law of induction. There are no obstacles or moving parts in the flow path, leading to a smaller pressure loss which saves pumping energy. Detectable liquids have fewer viscosity restraints. Finally, the flow direction can be changed after installation. This is the remote version of LFE, without a display. One analog output is available. Options include a mounting bracket and M12 lead wire. Piping connections come in C37 brass as standard, while the -X8 option offers 304 stainless steel. LFE is IP65 rated, and CE and RoHS compliant.- Part Number
- Termin płatności do 90 dni od 500+ dostawców.
- Rabaty na odsprzedaż do 40%!
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Metody płatności:
- Flow ranges (lpm)
- 0.5-20, 2.5-100, 5-200
- Port Sizes (Rc, NPT, G)
- 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1 (flow range dependent)
- Temperature rating
- 0-85 C
- Output options
- 1-5v, 4-20mA
- Weight
- 340 g
- Length
- 90 mm
- Width
- 40 mm
- Height
- 89 mm
Data Sheet
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SiłownikiBlokiKable, rury i wężeSprężarkiSterowanieŁączniki i osprzętCylindry i tłokiElektronikaFiltryHVACKomputery przemysłowe i interfejsy HMIOświetlenieTechnika liniowaSilnikiZasilaniePrzeniesienie napęduPompy i zaworyEnergia odnawialnaRobotykaUszczelki, pierścienie i złączaCzujniki i urządzenia pomiaroweNarzędzia i akcesoriaCNCInne