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Series MSZ, a 3-position rotary table, can be adjusted to stop at three different positions within a 190 radius. The MSZ does not require a motor, or any complex machinery to function, only compressed air. Designed initially for the selection and separation of work pieces to either the left or right, the rotary table is controlled via a single, 3-position solenoid valve, ensuring simple setup and operation. This series is currently available in two model types, basic and high accuracy (for higher loads and reduced table deflection). The MSZ can be ordered in four different sizes and is designed to work with an operating pressure range between 0.2 to1 MPa.- Part Number
- Termin płatności do 90 dni od 500+ dostawców.
- Rabaty na odsprzedaż do 40%!
Wyślij zapytanie o cenę
Metody płatności:
- Weight
- 972 g
- Length
- 159.8 mm
- Width
- 50 mm
- Height
- 47 mm
Data Sheet
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