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Search results 2418

Brescia, Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
With extensive expertise in the industrial spare parts sector, the company is a leader in the production and sale of the highest quality brands of industrial supplies...
  • Manufacturer
Founded in 1950, Tedeschi Gomma is located in the heart of the renowned Italian region of Emilia Romagna. Noted for its excellence in the automotive, agro-food,...
Baragiano Scalo (PZ), Italy
  • Component Supplier
Tekkna is a renowned hydraulic company that specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions to the hydraulic industry. Their strong research and development capabilities,...
Manerbio (BS), Italy
  • Component Supplier
Since its founding in 1979 by Pelizzari Enzo, Tiar Cuscinetti has expanded its product and service offerings far beyond its name. Its comprehensive commercial portfolio...
Rovigo, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Tiberto Arnaldo Sas is a company based in Italy
Settimo Torinese, Italy
  • Component Supplier
At Ticiemme S.p.A, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else, and specialize in providing quality bearings and other products from reputable brands.
Feletto, Italy
  • Component Supplier
T.I.R. is a company based in Italy
Padova, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Tisaf is a company based in Italy
Martinsicuro, Italy
  • Component Supplier
TKF Srl Industrial Supplies, based in Martinsicuro (TE) via dei Castani snc 64014, is a company with a mission to be a reliable source of industrial technical articles....
Cesana Brianza, Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • Manufacturer
Established in 1964 in Cesana Brianza (LC), TMC began as a ball bearing manufacturer. Over time, they have broadened their product range to include high precision...
Soncino, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Founded by Mr. Torriani Gianni in 1973, the Torriani Gianni Snc company has steadily expanded its production of basic ball bearings in terms of quantity, diameter,...
Bargellino, Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • Manufacturer
Founded in 1986 in Calderara di Reno, Italy, TRAMEC has been a part of the renowned "Motor Valley" between Bologna and Modena renowned for its high-quality automotive,...
(PN), Italy
  • Component Supplier
Trasmecc is a company based in Italy
Zanè VI, Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • Manufacturer
Since 1992, Trasmissioni Industriali has been researching and marketing technical articles across various industrial sectors, offering a wide selection of commercial...
Firenze, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Trebienne SNC is a company based in Italy
MI 20090, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Tre Erre is a company based in Italy
38100, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Tre.F.In is a company based in Italy
Peraga di Vigonza (PD), Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
LYRA BEARING is an Italian firm that specializes in providing tailored bearings and spare parts to the AUTOMOTIVE and Industry sectors. We collaborate with customers...
San Giorgio di Piano (BO), Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
  • Manufacturer
Our team of experts and advanced technology ensures we can provide the best linear systems and components like linear guides, ballscrews, ball splines, roller guides,...
Calendasco Z.I.(PC), Italy
  • Manufacturer
Techno Total Solutions S.r.L. is an Italian bearings manufacturer located in the industrial hub of Piacenza. Our experts possess a vast amount of experience and...