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The PLEDxSW Series Open LED Protector provides an electronic shunt path when an LED in an LED string fails as an open circuit. PLED devices are connected in parallel with each LED in a series string. If one LED fails as an open circuit, the PLED connected to it turns on and carries the current that would have gone through the failed LED. This keeps the rest of the string operating, so only a single LED goes dark rather than the whole string. The PLEDxSW has a molded white body that reflects more light to enhance overall light engine efficiency.- Part Number
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Metodi di pagamento:
- Holding Current (mA)
- 5
- On-State Current (IT) (mA)
- 1
- Package Size
- DO-214AA
- Breakdown Voltage (VBR@IT) (V)
- 16
- Breakdown Voltage (MIN VBR@IT ) (V)
- 6
- Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage (VDRM) (V)
- 6
- On-State Voltage (VT) (V)
- 1.2
Data Sheet
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