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In our pursuit of excellence in size and weight reduction, we proudly announce the release of the CRJ series, mini-rotary actuator. A new compact body design not only reduces overall space requirements, but also achieves space savings in wiring and piping. Ease in mounting is maximized thanks to the merits of the new compact body. Large roller bearing and large diameter output shaft add to overall compactness while ensuring high rigidity.- Part Number
- CRJB05-180-F8B
- Ottenete termini di pagamento fino a 90 giorni da 500+ fornitori.
- Sconti sulla rivendita fino al 40%!
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Metodi di pagamento:
- Weight
- 143 g
- Length
- 54 mm
- Width
- 19.5 mm
- Height
- 28 mm
Data Sheet
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AttuatoriBlocchiCavi, tubi e manichetteCompressoriControlloGiunzioni e raccordiCilindri e PistoniElettronicaFiltriHVACPC industriali e HMIsIlluminazioneTecnica lineareMotoriAlimentatoreTrasmissione di potenzaPompe e ValvoleEnergia rinnovabileRoboticaGuarnizioni, Anelli e ConnettoriSensori e dispositivi di misuraStrumenti e AccessoriCNCAltro