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High speed or high load cylinder applications frequently require additional speed and flow control devices to control the stopping of the load. SMC s RHC series features a longer cushion design which is capable of stopping heavy or high speed loads while maintaining the simplicity of a standard air cushion cylinder. This enhanced cushion allows the kinetic distance, which results in the ability to absorb up to 23.8 ft-lb of energy and operate reliably at speeds up to 118 in/sec. Even with the improved performance of the RHC, cushion adjustment remains as simple as adjusting the cushion needle valve.- Part Number
- RHCF20-500
- Ottenete termini di pagamento fino a 90 giorni da 500+ fornitori.
- Sconti sulla rivendita fino al 40%!
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Metodi di pagamento:
- Weight
- 1.29 kg
- Length
- 752 mm
- Width
- 68 mm
- Height
- 43.5 mm
Data Sheet
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