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The DNP 3.0 Master/Slave Network Interface Module allows ControlLogix processors to interface with the many field devices that support the DNP protocol. DNP (Distributed Network Protocol) is an open communication protocol developed to achieve interoperability among systems specifically in the electric utility, oil & gas and water/wastewater industries. This non-proprietary protocol, available worldwide, was designed to optimize the transmission of data acquisition information and control commands. It is a highly efficient and reliable communications protocol between substation computers, RTUs, IEDs and master stations. DNP is also a layered protocol, featuring time stamping and True Report by Exception (TRBE). These features allow the MVI56-DNP module to send a report to the processor without being polled, providing real time data transmission in critical situations.- Part Number
- Consigue plazos de pago de hasta 90 días de 500+ proveedores.
- Descuentos de reventa de hasta el 40%!
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Formas de pago:
- Mounting Method
- Chassis
- Platform
- ControlLogix
- Protocol
- DNP3
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