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The MVI56E-LDM module is a ControlLogix® backplane compatible module that allows Rockwell Automation ControlLogix® processors to interface with relatively any Ethernet or serial device. With the available development kit DVD, you are the developer who controls exactly what this module can and cannot do. ProSoft Technology’s Linux Development Modules make it possible for users to easily develop and deploy C/C++ applications that interface with Bar Code Scanners, Legacy ASCII protocols, Terminal Port Emulation, Printer Drivers(Alarm/Status printer), or any other device requiring custom/proprietary Ethernet and serial communications.- Part Number
Métodos de pago:
- Mejor oferta de:
- Proveedor de confianza de Automa.Net
- Disponibilidad:
- 1 piezaEn stockActualizado en: 30-04-2024
- Entrega Estimada:
- Bajo pedido
- Condición:
- Reacondicionado
Reacondicionado - Un artículo reacondicionado inspeccionado, limpiado y reparado para que funcione completamente por el fabricante o un técnico certificado. El artículo está en excelente estado y completamente operativo.
Proceso de Pago Seguro
Políticas de Devolución y Reembolso
Políticas de Envío
Políticas de Garantía
- Platform
- ControlLogix
- Mounting Method
- Chassis
- 400MHz ARM9 G20
- Operating System
- Linux (kernel
- Linux Distribution
- Timesys
- System Memory
- Flash Memory
- 256MB NAND Flash
- Compact Flash
- 16GB max supported (not provided)
- Backplane Current Load
- 800 mA @ 5 Vdc
- Operating Temperature
- 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
- Storage Temperature
- -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
- Shock
- 30g operational
- Relative Humidity
- 5% to 95% (without condensation)
- 4-Character, Scrolling, Alpha-Numeric LED Display
- Application driven – possible uses are: ModuleVersion, IP, Application Port Setting, Status/ErrorInformation
Ethernet Ports
- 2 Ethernet Ports
- 10/100 Mbps ports, RJ45 Connector
- Serial Applications Ports
- RJ45 (DB-9M with supplied adapter cable) Configurable RS-232 hardware handshaking 500V Optical isolation from backplane RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 jumper-select, each port RX (Receive) and TX (Transmit) LEDs, each port
- Shipped with Unit
- RJ45 to DB-9M cables for each serial port 5 foot DB9 to screw terminal adapter Ethernet Straight-Thru Cable (Gray) ProSoft Solutions DVD
- Not shipped with Unit
- LDMdevKit - Linux Development Module
- Not shipped with Unit
- Development Kit must be ordered separately
Otras categorías
ActuadoresBloquesCables, tuberías y manguerasCompresoresControlAcoplamientos y AccesoriosCilindros y PistonesElectrónicaFiltrosHVACPCs industriales y HMIsIluminaciónTécnica linealMotoresFuente de alimentaciónTransmisión de energíaBombas y VálvulasEnergías renovablesRobóticaSellos, anillos y conectoresSensores y dispositivos de mediciónHerramientas y AccesoriosCNCOtros