Directory of industrial automation companies

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Search results 2418

k, Italy
  • System Integrator
Nouca OMASis a System Integrator based in Italy
Parella, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Founded in 1991 by Carlo Ferrero, Osai AS is a global leader in the industrial process automation sector. With its Italian headquarters and 3 foreign branches located...
Borgosatollo, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Partelli SRL was founded in 2018 with the mission of offering superior quality original spare parts. We specialize in importing and exporting a wide variety of industrial...
Stagno, Italy
  • System Integrator
Restart is an industrial automation company that specializes in the design and manufacture of automated and semi-automated industrial assembly lines. Our services...
, Italy
  • Component Supplier
We are a leading global provider of industrial automation repair services. We offer repair and maintenance services with a 12-month warranty, as well as exchange...
Tarcento, Italy
  • System Integrator
Since 1970, SIME, an Italian System Integrator, has been providing specialized Low Voltage Electric, Automation & Process Control Systems worldwide. Founded by Mr....
Ravenna, Italy
  • System Integrator
I specialize in Oil & Gas and Industrial Engineering, specifically Drilling Systems Engineering, Precommissioning Commissioning & Start-Up activities, Feed Engineering,...
Sant'Agata li Battiati, Italy
  • System Integrator
Systemia SRL is an Italian company with an international profile that has become a reference in the automation, home automation, industrial I-ot, and energy consulting...
Ponzano, Italy
  • System Integrator
Sytec Group provides comprehensive solutions for industrial automation, assembly lines, test benches, and software applications that are fully integrated with production...
  • System Integrator
With an impressive 40-year history in the industrial sector, Tesfluid specializes in marketing components and technological systems for production processes, primarily...
Pradamano (UD), Italy
  • System Integrator
THREAD S.R.L. is a leading provider of industrial automation software solutions. With extensive expertise in the industry, they are able to provide custom solutions...
Castelnuovo Rangone, Italy
  • System Integrator
Since 1979, United Symbol has been providing industrial automation, robotics, and end-of-line automation solutions to customers in a variety of industries, including...
Vimodrone, Italy
  • System Integrator
Zetapunto is a newly established business that creates automated technologies for small to medium-sized Italian and international businesses. From the initial concept...
Altavilla Vicentina, Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
What is SO.CI.MA.?
Assago, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Mouser Electronics is an international leader in the distribution of semiconductors and electronic components from over 1,200 brand manufacturers. We are dedicated...
Gorle, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Is Automaweb an Italian distributor of Schneider Electric parts?
Milano, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Wolf Solutions is a premier enterprise and technology consultancy with over a decade of expertise in Digital Transformation, CRM and ERP, mobile and web app development,...
Milano, Italy
  • Component Supplier
Siamo sul mercato dal 1974, con l'obiettivo di portare in Italia le novità tecnologiche più importanti nell'automazione industriale. In più di 40 anni abbiamo...
Caponago, Italy
  • Manufacturer
Since 1981, we have been a manufacturer of both standard and custom Printed Circuit Board (PCB) transformers, offering technological leadership in LLC and LCC integrated...
Sant'Egidio del Monte Albino, Italy
  • System Integrator
The A.T.E. has been in the automation industry, process control, safety systems, and process optimization and supervision since 2004. Our values are experience,...