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Madrid, Spain
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
We repair and sell industrial electronics. At Noxen we offer a repair service for any type of electronic material installed in industrial machinery.
Zaragoza, Spain
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
Suministros Electrónicos Aragón SA, known as SEA, was founded in 1984 with a mission to provide the electrical sector and the industrial sector in the Aragon region...
Albacete, Spain
  • System Integrator
Adentec specializes in industrial automation, electrical installations, and maintenance. It is a young and innovative company, founded in Albacete in 2001. Its staff...
Valdemoro, Spain
  • System Integrator
Atlas Robots is a company based in Spain
Alcantarilla, Spain
  • System Integrator
At BNT we believe in automation as an essential value of a new industry, 4.0. A new way of conceiving technology, in which the innovative component makes no sense...
Les Cabanyes, Spain
  • System Integrator
We offer our clients a comprehensive service when automating any type of industrial process. We are experts in the electrical and electronic part of automation systems...
Villanubla, Spain
  • System Integrator
Estudios Generales & Servicios Eletronicos is a company based in Spain
Berga, Spain
  • System Integrator
EPROJECT 4 S.L. is a company based in Spain
Zamudio, Spain
  • System Integrator
Industrial Machinery Export Bilbao, S.L. is a company based in Spain
Barcelona, Spain
  • System Integrator
GDO ELECTRIC, SL is a company based in Spain
Córdoba, Spain
  • System Integrator
enhancing efficiency, productivity, quality, and competitiveness within the industrial sector. This is achieved by utilizing advanced technologies to create innovative...
Oosterhout, Netherlands
  • System Integrator
WWA is a dynamic and flexible organisation aiming for industrial product automation. WWA takes care of the design, programming and installation of automated production...
Houston, United States
  • Component Supplier is an IGBT distributor for many industrial applications. We are the online store of your first choice for discontinued parts, obsolete transistor...
Pniewy, Poland
  • Component Supplier
WObit is a Polish family company that has been providing products and solutions on the automation and robotics market for nearly 30 years. The company was founded...
Wrocław, Poland
  • System Integrator
WOXAR is a company based in Przejazdowa 11 51-167 Wrocław, Poland
Toruń, Poland
  • System Integrator
WRZOSEL jest firmą powstałą i działającą nieprzerwanie od początku 1988 roku. Specjalnością firmy są: automatyka napędu elektrycznego, tj. projektowanie,...
Mirków, Poland
  • System Integrator
Zakład Automatyki Przemysłowej INTEC Sp. z o.o. is a company based in 51-649 Wrocław, Poland
Rzuchów, Poland
  • System Integrator
Firma ZAPAMET została stworzona przez grupę specjalistów posiadających szeroką wiedzę oraz duże doświadczenie w zakresie obróbki skrawaniem, automatyki...
Friedrichshafen, Germany
  • System Integrator
With more than 1,300 employees in 23 locations worldwide, the Plant Engineering specializes in the development and manufacturing of components and plants for the...
Odessa, United States
  • System Integrator
Zeppelin Systems is primarily known for providing tailored system solutions for various industries, particularly in plant engineering and manufacturing. While they...