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Fort Wayne, United States
  • System Integrator
Machine builder for coil and motor winding, wire and cable industries, as well as automation assembly equipment. Headquarters and manufacturing facilities are located...
Wittinsburg, Switzerland
  • System Integrator
AuMiCom heisst "Automatisieren mit Computer", weil wir Computer zur Steuerung bevorzugen. Visualisierung, Bildverarbeitung und Soft-SPS alles auf einem Gerät. Ausserdem...
El Prat de Llobregat, Spain
  • Distributors Group
Auna Distribución is a company based in Spain
Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico
  • System Integrator
Aupromaq S.A. de C.V. is a company based in Calle Doctor Aantonio Hernandez Num 115, Toluca, Estado De México 50060, Mexico
Hückeswagen, Germany
  • System Integrator
Wir sind ein spezialisiertes Unternehmen für robotergestützten Anlagen. Mit Schwerpunkt der Oberflächenbearbeitung, sind wir ein kompetenter Partner in diese...
Kotka, Finland
  • Component Supplier
Auser Oy was founded in 1993. The name Auser is short for automation service. Our automation services focus on providing expert services to industrial partners as...
Condell Park, Australia
  • System Integrator
Australis Engineering is a family owned, award winning materials handling equipment manufacturer. Established in 1983, Australis has since grown to be a leading...
, Brazil
  • System Integrator
Founded in 1998, AUT Service was created to provide maintenance services in industrial automation equipment such as Electric Motors, Spindle Motors, Servomotors,...
Chur, Switzerland
  • System Integrator
Autcomp AGis a company based in Tittwiesenstrasse 29 7000, Chur, Switzerland
Bremen, Germany
  • System Integrator
Auteb Gmbh is a company based in Germany
Waghäusel, Germany
  • System Integrator
Autec Automation Gmbh is a company based in Germany
Arnsberg, Germany
  • System Integrator
Automatisierungstechnik mit Handlings- und Portalrobotertechnik sowie der Projektierung und Fertigung kompletter Sondermaschinen und Automaten.
Spiesen-Elversberg, Germany
  • System Integrator
Autec Softwareentwicklung & Hardwareplanung Gmbh is a company based in Germany
Busto Arsizio, Italy
  • System Integrator
For over thirty years, Autek has been a technological partner for companies in the automotive, aviation, mechanical, textile, and plastic industries. We specialize...
, Czech Republic
  • System Integrator
AUTEL, a.s. is a System Integrator / Service Provider company based in Oldrichovice 790 739 61, Trinec, Czech Republic
, Brazil
  • System Integrator
Criada em 2008, a Empresa Autêntica engenharia é uma empresa que nasceu com o intuito de fazer a diferença na busca incessante pela qualidade e inovação. Possui...
Villa María, Argentina
  • System Integrator
Somos especialistas en brindar soluciones a medida, ofreciendo la elección tecnológica óptima ante cada problema, generando alto valor agregado con la mejor relación...
Villmergen, Switzerland
  • System Integrator
Autexis Control AGis a company based in Durisolstrasse 6 5612, Villmergen, Switzerland
, Austria
  • System Integrator
Als Spezialisten im Bereich der industriellen Automatisierungstechnik etablierte sich AUTFORCE bereits in den frühen 2000er Jahren als zuverlässiger Partner der...
Sertãozinho, Brazil
  • System Integrator
A Authomathika é uma empresa completa de engenharia integradora de sistemas Elétricos e de Automação, que possui a capacidade e a expertise de fornecer desde...