Minarik Drives
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- Part Number
- XL3050A
- Consigue plazos de pago de hasta 90 días de 500+ proveedores.
- Descuentos de reventa de hasta el 40%!
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Formas de pago:
- Auto-ranging power supply
- Accepts AC or DC input in the 115 to 230V range.
- Cage clamp terminal block
- Quick and easy wire terminations reduce installation time!
- Additional features
- Dual voltage AC input,DC field supply and on-board line fuse.
- 22kHz switching frequency
- A high switching frequency means a quiet motor!
- Inhibit terminals for stopping
- Allows user to remotely coast the drive to a stop.
- User adjustable calibration pots
- IR compensation,min speed,max speed,current limit,acceleration and deceleration.
- Speed range and regulation
- 1% regulation over 100:1 speed range.
- AC input/DC output switches
- Allows the selection of the lower voltage (0-130VDC) DC output for either the 115 or 230VAC input selection.
- Diagnostic LEDs
- LEDs for power and current limit status.
- Technology Type
- Input Voltage
- 115 / 230 VAC
- Output Voltage
- 0 - 130 / 0 -240 VDC
- Continuous Current
- 5 Amps
- Enclosure
- Chassis
- Braking Type
- None
- Reversing Type
- None
- Isolation
- None
Data Sheet
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