
3P SW 200A NF UL98 LH
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Part Number
Group Code : EG000017
Group Description : Low-voltage Industrial Components
Class Description : Switch disconnector
Class Code : EC000216
Version : 7


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Compliant
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Buy American Act (BAA) Compliant
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Introducing the ABB OT200U03 - an industrial automation product that is specifically designed to meet the demands of modern-day manufacturing processes. This component is a top-of-the-line circuit breaker that offers reliable protection for electrical systems, ensuring that your machinery operates at optimal levels at all times. Its compact design makes it an ideal choice for space-constrained applications, while its high performance and durability make it an asset for any industrial setting.

With the ABB OT200U03, you can rest assured that your electrical systems are in good hands. Its advanced features include a trip-free mechanism that eliminates the risk of accidental tripping, and a thermal memory that enables the device to remember the last tripping condition. This means that in the event of a power outage, the circuit breaker will automatically reset itself, saving you time and effort.

At our industrial automation online marketplace, we take pride in offering top-quality products that are designed to meet the needs of our customers. The ABB OT200U03 is no exception, and we are confident that it will exceed your expectations in terms of performance and reliability. So why wait? Order your ABB OT200U03 today and take your industrial automation processes to the next level!