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ABC Industrial Parts Business Case. Industrial Electronics Solution Provider from Kruishoutem, Belgium

ABC Industrial Parts
Christoph Huysman
ABC Industrial Parts
Electronics Solution Provider
With Automa.Net, we generate hundreds of orders, reaching new customers globally and significantly boosting our revenue.
Read full business case
Requests from 243 customers from 36 different countries. This greatly contributed to our expansive reach and customer base growth
€121,245 +
This partnership brought us 120k+ extra revenue. It's over 155 orders from 69 new customers in 20 different countries!
Products used:
  • Automa.Net
  • AutomaSHOP

NRI Industrial Sales Business Case. Automation Supplier from the USA

NRI Industrial Sales
Ilan Levitin
NRI Industrial Sales
Automation Supplier from the USA
Automa.Net helped us connect with European suppliers for both buying and selling.
Read full business case
Expanding into Europe
NRI built partnerships with key suppliers and connected with surplus parts companies, extending their global reach.
Boosting Visibility
NRI increased exposure among 700+ international automation traders.
Meeting European Needs
As an Automa.Net member, NRI expanded inventory for European customers.
Products used:
  • Automa.Net
  • ANEXPO - Automa.Net Meeting&Expo