
Retro-reflective sensor; red light; dark-on mode; PNP; 4 m; IP 67; M12 Connector
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Introducing the OGP280, a top-of-the-line industrial automation product from the renowned brand IFM. This powerful component is designed to streamline your production process and enhance efficiency through its advanced automation capabilities. With its cutting-edge technology, the OGP280 delivers unmatched performance and reliability, making it a must-have for any industrial facility.

Featuring a range of innovative features such as high-precision measurement, intuitive programming, and easy integration with existing systems, the OGP280 is the perfect solution for modernizing your manufacturing processes. Its rugged construction and durable design ensure that it can withstand even the most challenging industrial environments, while its user-friendly interface makes it easy to operate and maintain.

Whether you're looking to improve production speed, reduce downtime, or optimize energy consumption, the OGP280 has everything you need to take your operations to the next level. Trust in IFM's expertise and experience in the industry and invest in the OGP280 today to revolutionize your industrial automation.