
Infrared temperature sensor; M30 x 1,5; PNP; 350...1350 °C; normally open / normally closed; (parameterisable); Connector
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Introducing the TW7011, an innovative industrial automation component from IFM, designed to take your automation processes to the next level. With its advanced features and cutting-edge technology, this component is the perfect solution for businesses looking for efficient and reliable automation solutions.

The TW7011 is a highly versatile component that can be used in a wide range of industrial automation applications. Whether you're looking to automate a single machine or an entire production line, the TW7011 delivers exceptional performance and reliability. Its rugged design and high-quality construction ensure that it can withstand even the most demanding industrial environments, making it the ideal choice for businesses operating in harsh conditions.

With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive controls, the TW7011 is also incredibly user-friendly. Whether you're an experienced automation professional or a novice, you'll find that the TW7011 is easy to install, configure, and operate. So if you're looking for a powerful and reliable industrial automation component, look no further than the TW7011 from IFM.