Appleton™ 737 Series Adaptors and Reducers - PN 737DT5T55
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Part Number


Standard Materials
Nickel plated brass
Optional Materials
Copperfree aluminum (replace last digit 5 with 1), brass (remove last digit 5) or 316L stainless steel (replace last digit 5 with 4)
Cable Gland Accessories
Shroud, locknut, earth tag, entry thread seal, serrated washers, adaptors and reducers

Certifications and Compliances

NEC/CEC Certifications and Compliances
Class 1, Group A, B, C, D; Zone 1, AEx de II; IP66/68
ATEX/IECEx Certifications and Compliances
Zone 1 and 2 – 21 and 22; Ex II 2 GD; IP66/68

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