Appleton™ EXGJH and EXLK Flexible Couplings - PN EXGJH727
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Standard Materials
1/2 thru 2: outer bronze braid, inner brass core with insulating liner, brass end fittings. 2-1/2 thru 4: outer stainless steel braid, inner stainless steel core with insulating liner, stainless steel end fittings
Standard Finishes
Natural finish
1/2 through 2 available in stainless steel (suffix -SS). 1/2 through 1 EXLK stainless steel union (suffix -SU). 1/2 through 1 stainless steel nipple (suffix -NS). Custom lengths available (contact your local sales representative)

Certifications and Compliances

NEC/CEC Certifications and Compliances
1-1/4 thru 4 Sizes: Class I, Group D; Class II, Groups E, F, G; Class III
ATEX Certifications and Compliances
Stainless steel 1/2 thru; 2 Sizes: Ex II2 GD; Ex d IIC Gb; Ex t IIIC Db; IP66

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