ABB PSR25-600-70

PSR SSTR,600V/240VAC,24.2A

(21 offers)
Image of the product PSR25-600-70
A total of  117 Part In-Stock from 11 Distributors
New Sealed: 1 pcs. New: 108 pcs. Used: 3 pcs. Refurbished: 4 pcs.
PSR softstarter - The compact rangeThe PSR softstarter range is a simple yet reliable starting solution that utilizes only the most basic of soft starting features: soft start and stop. It performs well in applications requiring many starts per hour and is perfect for installations where you need to save space.Main benefits* Small and compact starting solution* Can perform many starts per hour* Reduce energy loss at full speed with built-in bypass.Main features* Rated operational current: 3 to 105 A* Operational voltage: 208–600 V AC* Control supply voltage: 24 V AC/DC or 100–240 V AC.


In-Stock Parts

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In Stock Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 39 pcs.
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Country: United Kingdom
In Stock Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 23 pcs. Used: 1 pcs.
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Country: United Kingdom
In Stock Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 23 pcs.
In Stock Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 21 pcs.
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Country: United Kingdom
In Stock Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: Refurbished: 2 pcs.

On Request Parts

These parts are not in the warehouse and will be quoted with manufacturer lead time. Send inquiry for supplier details.
On Request Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New Sealed: 0 pcs.
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Country: Lithuania
On Request Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: Refurbished: 0 pcs. New: 0 pcs.
On Request Updated 23/09/2024
  • Quantity: New: 0 pcs. Refurbished: 0 pcs.

Additional information

Part Number PSR25-600-70
EAN 39121521
UPC 7320500338285
UNSPSC 39121035
ETIM Group code: EG000017
Group description: Low-voltage Industrial Components
Class code: EC000640
Class description: Soft starter
Version: 7


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