Allmendinger Elektromechanik KG is Automa.Net Business Member

🤝 We are happy to let you know that Allmendinger Elektromechanik KG from Germany has joined Automa.Net as our Business Member! 🤝

The company, located at the foot of the Swabian Alb, has provided its customers with repairs, spare parts supplies, on-site service and retrofitting for CNC machines for more than 25 years. The success story began in 1996 and the ever-growing demand for services and ever-expanding product portfolio secured continuous growth for the company.

Allmendinger has more than 40.000 high-quality spare parts for immediate sale or exchange. Their vast inventory enables them to meet customer needs quickly, thus reducing downtime and protecting production schedules.

Allmendinger Elektromechanik KG can provide you with products from well-known and established companies including Fanuc, Siemens, Indramat, Heidenhain, Kuka and much more.

Read more about Allmendinger Elektromechanik KG on their Business Directory page on Automa.Net.
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