Automa.Net component search is now available at is a global B2B network of specialist companies in manufacturing technology, a place to find the best portfolios for custom requirements: whether for the expansion of paperless production or for the use of intelligent robotics.

You will find a validated database including:





and much more to reliably optimize production metrics. 👍

Are you interested in having a free account there for your business? Go to their website.

As we have the same goal which is supporting the automation industry we have decided to go into partnership with


You can find our Automa.Net public search engine on the website.


Once a customer finds a part, will be able to ask for pricing through a simple form. Automa.Net algorithms will then connect the user with the best supplier for the inquiry! We check parameters like stock availability, brand specialization, the country it was sent from, and more to give you the best experience possible.

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