Buy2Sell is Automa.Net Business Member

Buy2Sell Automation Business Member

🤝 We are happy to let you know that Buy2Sell from Denmark has joined Automa.Net as our Business Member! 🤝

Buy2sell’s entire vision and mission have their roots in the idea of buying and selling industrial electronics and automation. The company supports a circular economy and recycling of all kinds of industrial products rather than discarding and writing it down. In their stock with close to 10.000 SKU, you can find everything in the range from industrial electronics such as PLCs. HMI panels, safety electronics, robotics, etc. To test and lab equipment like oscilloscopes, multimeters, and roll-to-roll machines.

If you need a spare part for your machine or if you are on the lookout for some specific equipment you can count on Buy2sell. They provide standard and express shipping globally.

Their stock is already uploaded on Automa.Net and updated daily! So please reach out, at any time a day.

Read more about Buy2Sell on their Business Directory page on Automa.Net.
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