Industrial Automation In-Stock parts

On Automa.Net you can search for industrial automation parts – directly from companies that have them in stock. Currently, over 25 mln parts references and their in-stock availability are being updated on Automa.Net at least once a day (and 1,318,000 at least once a week).

So the next time you will be looking for a part and browsing the web, excels and other systems – try us – type in a part number and compare all this availability data from hundreds of industrial automation suppliers – ALL IN ONE PLACE.

You can then compare product condition, quantity in stock, warranty… and send RFQ’s.

Connection with ERP infrastructure

You can even connect Automa.Net to your existing ERP infrastructure so your purchasing team can see stock availability in YOUR SYSTEM.
Seriously, what are you waiting for 🤷 It’s free and loading your stock is not COMPULSORY to participate in our network. Login, do a search and see who has it in stock, now: