What’s new on Automa.Net in AUGUST?

Monthly updates August

Have a look at our data sheet based on activities on Automa.Net in AUGUST 👀

We have gathered some information to give you an insight into the platform and our community of automation companies.


It is time for letting you know about some insights on the platform and our community of automation companies from last month.🦾 

We have welcomed a lot of great companies from all over the world!

It has been a busy month with more than 39 579 searches made on the platform! Compared to the previous month it’s a 3,6% increase 🆙 Also, a lot of companies added their stock recently. ✨ Thank you very much! At the moment we have 134 companies that uploaded their inventory on Automa.Net to sell more parts 🏆

That also makes searching for parts a lot easier, doesn’t it ?! 😄  

There is no such thing as holidays in automation parts supply! 😛

Stay safe and healthy- the weather is not helping here (it’s raining cats and dogs for the last 4 days ) but as you see – there is a lot of work to do! 🚂 😁

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