Directory of industrial automation companies

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Hamburg, Germany
  • Component Supplier
ANVEX, an online retailer, was founded in 2020 to supply the industrial sector with spare parts more sustainably. Many unused and still functioning spare parts are...
Rzeszów, Poland
  • System Integrator
ISP Rzeszow Sp. z o. o. was created in response to the real needs of the market. We create and implement solutions in the area of software and automation that allow...
Rzeszow, Poland
  • System Integrator
Our company specializes in the design and service of industrial automation. We offer electrical and control system design, programming of PLC controllers and HMI...
Katowice, Poland
  • Component Supplier
Wrocław, Poland
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
Canda, Italy
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
EYETEK is a young and dynamic company born from the will of the founding partners who wanted to bring their decades of knowledge in the field of industrial automation. We...
Opole, Poland
  • Component Supplier
Zajmujemy się ogólnie pojętą elektryką. Usługi, dostawy, handel. Instalacje niskoprądowe, tradycyjne, automatyka przemysłowa i sterowanie. Inteligentne instalacje.
León, Mexico
Top 5 brands
Giga Industrial, founded in 2017, specializes in industrial electronic repair, automation, and project integration. Serving sectors like automotive, food, graphic...
Margate, United States
  • Component Supplier
A buying, consolidating and shipping company that has been in business for the past twenty years, with numerous satisfied customers. Services: Industrial & Automation,...
Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
Zagreb, Croatia
  • Component Supplier
  • System Integrator
We have many years of experience in searching for the most favorable sources of electronics and cable procurement for our project clients. With our effort and...
Abu Dhabi City, United Arab Emirates
  • Component Supplier
Chemtronic Technical Supplies and Services was established and registered in Abu Dhabi , UAE as a part of our expansion plan to serve the wider market across all...
Vilnius, Lithuania
The product range of Nordel UAB is focused on electrical and automation panel assemblers. A wide range of products from well-known manufacturers and exclusive attention...
Gliwice, Poland
  • Component Supplier
PF Electronic, founded in 2000, is a leader in providing reliable, innovative products, services and solutions. We specialize in comprehensive systems integration,...
Świerklany, Poland
  • Machine Builder
Becker-Warkop Sp. z o.o. was established in 1991. We are located in Silesia in Poland – a region inseparably connected with domestic mining and we are a leading...
Mumbai, India
  • Component Supplier
HARSH ELECTRIC CORPORATION (HEC) is a company specialised in supplying obsolete and active spare parts such as Limit Switches, PLCs, HMIs, Sensors, Drives, Electrical...
Trani BT, Italy
Detroit, United States
  • Component Supplier
Ideal Surplus Sales is your source for hard-to-find MRO materials. Located in Detroit, Michigan, we provide customers with high-quality MRO/industrial products for...
Zwijndrecht, Belgium
  • System Integrator
Tarnów, Poland
  • Component Supplier
KAMSTECH DISTRIBUTION TARNÓW complements the wide range of services offered by the KAMSTECH Group in the field of delivering high-quality automation and pneumatic...