Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o. on Automa.Net

Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o. on Automa.Net

Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o. our Enterprise Member

We are thrilled to announce that Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o. from Croatia is an Automa.Net member of the Enterprise package fostering collaboration and strengthening our community. Together, we’ll shape the future of automation trade.

About the Company

Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o. was founded by Franjo Hajdinjak in 1994. Initially, the company specialized in electrical installations and the sale of Siemens industrial equipment. Since 1997, they have been an authorized Siemens distributor, offering solutions for industrial automation. Their longstanding presence in the market, speaks to their commitment to customer service and dedication to the industry.


The company Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o. specializes in providing solutions for industrial automation, focusing on fast delivery and meeting the individual needs of customers. As an authorized distributor of Siemens, its goal is to be a significant and recognizable entity in the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

Automa.Net Enterprise

Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o has become an Enterprise member on Automa.Net, unlocking various sales opportunities, including API access. With Enterprise features, it will significantly boost the ongoing growth and success of their outstanding company.

Business Directory

Who stands out in the field of industrial automation? Find answers to this and much more in the Automa.Net Business Directory of industrial companies worldwide. Explore industry companies, sort them by country, and access companies’ profiles. Visit their Business directory page and learn more about this company like their contact details, market, brands, products and much more.

Elektrotehnika Hajdinjak d.o.o. on Automa.Net

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