What’s new on Automa.Net in May?

Monthly updates May

Have a look at our data sheet based on activities on Automa.Net in MAY 👀

Companies that have joined us in May

We have gathered some information to give you an insight into the platform and our community of automation companies.

Iruña Tecnologías de Automatización S.L

Eurosofort Sp. z o.o.

Jernbro Industrial Services Ab

EISAC Automation

PLE Service



PLC shop.it

System Nord

team technik


Maxi Automation



Van Doren Engineers Slovakia, s.r.o.


Euro Gas Systems

MS Ultrasonic Technology Grooup


We have welcomed many great companies from 10 different countries.

It has been a busy month – more than 34 000 searches made on the platform! Also, the database increased by almost 500 000 new parts! That makes searching for parts a lot easier, isn’t it?! 😄

And it was only MAY- we are looking forward to letting you know how it was JUNE. 👍

Read also:

Best webshop software for your industrial automation business

How to find automation parts online. Top 6 platforms to search for automation parts. Current comparison

5 ways to sell more industrial automation parts online